Série de post suite au Workshop avec les étudiants de l’école nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris Cergy et de l’écolé supérieure d’art de l’agglomération d’Annecy. Intervention de Marie Lechner, Matthieu Clainchard, Jeff Guess, Éric maillet, Jean-Marc chapoulie Ce projet est…
Category: Research
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Control Lenses
Within few years the internet will be in our contact lens. Sony, Samsung, Google are all having a research and development program dedicated to this project far more intrusive compared to the google glass. Prototypes are developed since early 2000’s. This…
Study: Men who take selfies may be psychopaths
Hey, Guys: Posting a Lot of Selfies Doesn’t Send a Good Message In a recent Ohio State University study, men who posted more photos of themselves online scored higher in measures of narcissism and psychopathy. COLUMBUS, Ohio – The picture…
Guerrilla Artists Celebrate Whistle-Blowers with Edward Snowden Statue
A trio of artists erected a short-lived monument to whistle-blower Edward Snowden yesterday in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park. Snowden, a government contractor, revealed extensive surveillance of American citizens by the National Security Agency. It was incorporated into the Prison Ship Martyrs…
Self-Identity is a Bad Visual System
Self–identity is a bad visual system. Theory is passionate fiction. These are two statements that, even or just because of their isolation from their original context, are both open enough to let loose our thoughts, and precise enough to become…
Edward Snowden: Voici comment nous allons reprendre Internet
Faisant son apparition grâce à un robot de télé présence, Edward Snowden nous parle de surveillance et de liberté d’Internet, à TED2014. Le droit au secret des données, suggère-t-il, n’est pas une question partisane, mais réclame de repenser fondamentalement le…